Benefit Entitlement Action Team Help
If were told you had to move on to Universal Credit and in the month beforehand you had been:
Living Alone*
Getting Income Support, Employment and Support Allowance or Income Related Job Seekers Allowance
Getting Daily Living Component of Personal Independence Payments (or Middle/Higher Care rates of Disability Living Allowance)
No one claimed Carers Allowance to look after you” to “No one has become a carer for you since you moved to Universal Credit (if you think this applies to you get in touch with us – details below)
If you fit these criteria type the following into your journal:
“I wish to request that my Universal Credit is revised to make a payment of a Transitional award of Universal Credit under Schedule 2 and regulation 63 of The Universal Credit (Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2014. I was entitled to the Severe Disability Premium under my award of Income Support/Income Related Employment and Support Allowance/Income Based Jobseekers Allowance [delete as needed]. My Universal Credit claim started within a month of my old claim ending. I authorise Darlington CAB to act on my behalf in this matter as required”
People in the following circumstances may be advised to get advice first:
If you do not think you had a “severe Disability Premium” in your benefit
If you think there may have been more than a month before you put your UC claim in
If your PIP had been stopped since the move to UC (even if you are appealing)
If someone has moved in/out of the home or has claimed Carers Allowance since moving to UC
NB If you amount of UC is less than the benefit you had been on and none of the conditions apply then you may still want to seek advice – in particular if you had been getting a “component” on Employment and Support Allowance but no longer do on UC then you may be well advised to look into this